Replace A Single Missing Tooth
Birmingham Implant Centre

Replace A Single Missing Tooth

Replace A Single Missing Tooth

Replace A Missing Tooth in Handsworth

Permanently replace a single missing tooth with a natural looking dental implant and smile again with confidence.

Replace A Missing or Failing Tooth in Birmingham

Have you lost a tooth through an accident? Trauma or decay? Perhaps you have a tooth which is loose, decayed or in bad condition. Whatever the issue, a missing tooth or a failing tooth can greatly affect your confidence making it difficult to smile or interact with other people.

At The Dental Implant Centre in Handsworth, our caring and experienced team understand the effect a missing tooth can have. We offer several options to replace your missing tooth including a single dental implant which is the most permanent and natural looking solution.

At your free consultation in Handsworth

Our expert team have helped hundreds of patients from West Bromwich, Birchfield, Harborne and throughout Birmingham. We take the time to get to know you and find out which solution works best for you.

At your first free consultation we will examine your mouth and find out where the missing tooth is located. We will check to see if it’s near the front and quite noticeable, or if it is one of the larger teeth at the back.

We will check on the health of your other teeth, look at the condition of your gums and we will talk to you about your lifestyle to understand more about your general health.

At this appointment, we will also take x-rays, photos and scans of your teeth and mouth which gives us a much more detailed picture about your oral health.

Based on our conversations and assessments, we will talk through the options to replace your single missing tooth.

What are the options to replace a single missing tooth in Handsworth?

There are several options to replace a failing or single missing tooth in Birmingham:


Dentures are the most cost-effective way to replace a single missing tooth. Made from an acrylic plate that fits in your mouth and sits over your gums, dentures are tailor made so that a false tooth will sit in the exact space to replace your missing tooth.

You remove your dentures every night to clean them and allow your gums to rest.

In recent years, dentures have evolved so that the false tooth looks more natural and will match the rest of your teeth beautifully. They are easy to fit and easy to wear.

The disadvantage with dentures is that they are not a permanent solution. The constant wear of dentures will cause your gums and jawbone to shrink which means they will become loose or not fit as well. In time, you will need to get them replaced. The lifespan of dentures is between 5 and 15 years.

A dental bridge

A dental bridge is another option to replace a missing tooth. A bridge contains a false tooth which is bonded to the natural teeth on either side of the gap in your mouth and sealed using dental crowns.

This is a good option to replace a missing tooth providing the teeth on either side of your missing tooth are healthy.

Again, this isn’t a permanent solution so after about 15 years, you will need to replace the dental bridge.

Single tooth dental implant

A single dental implant is the most permanent option to replace a missing tooth. You will not need to replace it and you can treat it and clean it like any other natural tooth.

Made up of three parts, a titanium rod is firstly inserted into your jawbone and this acts like the replacement tooth root. An abutment then connects this rod to the dental crown which is your new tooth and sits on the gum. The dental crown looks completely natural and is carefully colour-matched to the other teeth.

A single dental implant is affordable, natural and looks and functions like any other tooth. You can eat whatever you like and not worry about certain foods getting stuck or having to clean your new tooth.

With a new replacement tooth root, the single dental implant better protects the health of your jawbone, gum and the health of your adjacent teeth.

With good care and maintenance, a dental implant can last a lifetime.

Book A Consultation and learn how we can restore you smile and confidence

How I-Smile Single Can Help with One Missing Tooth?

The i-Smile was created by our leading dental implantologist at The Dental Implant Centre Birmingham as a way of making sure that the number of appointments for the dental implant process was kept to a minimum.

With i-Smile, the dental implant process for a single missing tooth is completed in a maximum of 7 appointments and surgical time is fixed to a maximum of 2 hours.

If you decide to go ahead with a single dental implant in Handsworth, Birmingham, you will receive the i-Smile Single treatment.

The single dental implant process

If you have a decayed or tooth in bad condition, we will start by gently extracting this tooth.

The dental implant surgery will take place in Handsworth, Birmingham. We will give you a local anaesthetic, and once you are comfortable, a single dental implant will be gently placed in your jawbone. A temporary crown or false tooth is then fitted so that you aren’t left with a gap in your mouth.

We leave your gums to heal for about three months. This time is essential for osteointegration – where the dental implant fuses with your jawbone – to occur and is vital to the long-term success of your dental implant. We will check on you at regular intervals and monitor your progress.

During this healing time, our experienced team in Handsworth will create your bespoke final dental crown. This is colour-matched to blend in with your other remaining teeth. We will invite you back to fit your dental crown and your dental implant process is complete.

Dental Implants Treatment Options


From £35.67 Per Month

We provide dental implant treatment for replacing a single tooth


From £71.34 Per Month*

We have dental implants treatment for multiple missing teeth


From £199.42 per Month

We offer treatment to replace all the teeth on your lower or upper jaw


We provide denture stabilisation using dental implant treatment