Multiple Missing Teeth
Birmingham Implant Centre

Multiple Missing Teeth

Multiple Missing Teeth

Replace Many Missing Teeth in Handsworth

Many missing teeth can greatly affect your self-esteem. Update your smile permanently with natural looking dental implants and restore your confidence.

Multiple Missing or Failing Teeth in Handsworth

Several missing teeth can cause embarrassment and affect your confidence. You may also find it painful to eat or notice that missing teeth affect your speech.

Multiple missing teeth should not be ignored as they can have a huge impact on your oral health. Your jawbone will start to recede which can affect the health of your remaining teeth, cause further tooth loss and eventually cause your face to sag.

The Dental Implant Centre in Birmingham offers several solutions for multiple missing teeth. Hundreds of patients from Birchfield, Harborne, West Bromwich and throughout Birmingham visit us to replace missing teeth because we offer top-quality service from a highly experienced and caring team.

Book a free consultation to find out more about replacing many missing teeth.

Book A Consultation and learn how we can restore you smile and confidence

What are the options to replace many missing teeth in Birmingham?

There are several options to replace many missing teeth and our knowledgeable team in Handsworth, Birmingham will work with you to understand which is the best for you.

When you book your free consultation, we will examine your mouth and teeth. We will check exactly where in your mouth the missing teeth are located, the health of your remaining teeth and examine the condition of your gums. We will discuss your general health and lifestyle and may ask questions relating to your diet and whether you are a smoker. At this consultation we will also take x-rays, scans and photographs of your mouth.

All this information gives us a better understanding of your oral health and can help us to decide which are the best options to replace your missing teeth.


Dentures can replace a single missing tooth, several missing teeth or they can replace a full set of missing teeth.

Dentures are made from an acrylic plate which is made to fit your mouth. The plate sits over the top of your gums and contains false teeth in the exact spaces where you have missing teeth. You remove your dentures every night to rest your gums and to allow for cleaning.

The creation of dentures has been revolutionised in recent years and they now look far more natural. Other advantages of dentures are that they are the most cost-effective way to replace missing teeth and they are quick and easy to fit.

The disadvantages of dentures is that they are not a permanent solution for missing teeth – you must remove them each night. You may find that you have to avoid eating certain foods that are hard, sticky or tough. Finally, the constant wear of dentures has an impact on your gums and jawbone causing them to shrink. Over time, your dentures will become loose or uncomfortable and you will need to replace them.

Dental Bridges

Another option to replace multiple missing teeth is with a dental bridge. A dental bridge requires healthy teeth to anchor the bridge on either sideof the gap. The dental bridge is held in place with dental crowns which are placed on the healthy teeth either side of the missing teeth.

A dental bridge is especially a good option for missing teeth at the back of your mouth because as well as improving your smile, the bridge improves your ability to chew properly.

Unlike dentures, the bridge remains fixed in your mouth, but you will still need to have this replaced after about 15 years.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the closest way to replace a missing tooth like-for-like. This is because the tooth as well as the tooth root is replaced which means it functions like any other tooth, looks completely natural and is a permanent solution.

Dental implants give you a natural looking gorgeous new smile and they allow you to eat and talk with confidence. Not only that, but they help protect the health of any remaining teeth as well as protecting your jawbone and your entire facial structure.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth, multiple missing teeth or replace all missing teeth.

They are made up of three parts – the implant which is embedded in your jawbone cannot be seen and acts like your new tooth root. The abutment connects this to the final piece – the dental crown which is the natural looking tooth and is visible when you smile.

The dental implant process

The dental implant surgery takes place at The Dental Implant Centre Birmingham in Handsworth. We gently administer a local anaesthetic and place the dental implants in your jawbone.

Next, we fit temporary dental crowns to your dental implants so that you are not left with gaps in your mouth.

A healing period follows of between 3 and 6 months which allows your gums to heal and for osteointegration to take place. This is where the dental implants fuse with your jawbone and is essential to the long-term success of your dental implants.

During this time, our team in Handsworth will create your bespoke dental crowns which fit to your dental implants and mouth perfectly. These are colour-matched to any remaining teeth that you have so that they blend in and look completely natural.

Once your healing period is over, we will invite you back to the dental surgery in Handsworth where our dental implant team will fit your bespoke dental crowns. You can then show off your lovely new smile.

How I-Smile Can Help with Multiple Missing Teeth

I-Smile was created by a leading dental implantologist at The Dental Implant Centre with the aim of reducing the number of appointments and surgical time needed to complete the dental implant process.

I-Smile aims to complete the dental implant process for patients from West Bromwich, Smethwick and Birmingham within a maximum number of 7 appointments and with a maximum surgery time of 2 hours.

Whilst every patient is unique, the dental implant process can broadly fit into 3 categories:

The i-Smile Same Day

If you have many missing teeth, no teeth at all, this is a good option for you. The i-Smile Same Day means you will get replacement teeth on thesame day as having your dental implants fitted so that you are not left with gaps in your mouth.

You will have up to 6 dental implants inserted to either your upper or lower jaw.

A temporary bridge is then fitted to your dental implants spanning the gaps for many missing teeth and containing temporary prosthetic teeth.

A final custom-made bridge containing your bespoke new teeth is fitted at a later stage.

The i-Smile Graft

If, during your initial consultation, we discover that you do not have sufficient bone in your jaw to support dental implants, we can add an extra step to the i-Smile Same Day dental implant process to include a bone grafting stage. We take a small amount of bone from your sinus area, and this enables us to continue with the dental implant process.

The i-Smile Bespoke

This final option is a high-end all-inclusive service that incorporates up to 10 dental implants per jaw with bespoke ceramic crowns. During this process, the dental implants are placed at your second appointment and your bespoke set of teeth are fitted at a later stage once your dental implants have fused with your jawbone.

To find out more about i-Smile and the different dental implant options, book your free consultation at The Dental Implant Centre in Handsworth Birmingham.

Dental Implants Treatment Options


From £35.67 Per Month

We provide dental implant treatment for replacing a single tooth


From £71.34 Per Month*

We have dental implants treatment for multiple missing teeth


From £199.42 per Month

We offer treatment to replace all the teeth on your lower or upper jaw


We provide denture stabilisation using dental implant treatment